In this edition of Meet the Vendor at Tip’n the Mitten, we would like to introduce you to Bill Schlink. Bill and his wife made their way back to Michigan from the great state of Alaska after a number of years. Four truck loads of woodworking in tow, they set up a new Michigan life in northern Michigan.
It happened one day….

Hand turned tops
Bill and his wife moved to Kalkaska and not long after, he decided he thought a part time job would be nice. Shetler Family Dairy (another great Michigan company we carry), was looking for a new milk delivery person, and Bill fit the bill.
Not a week after Bill began delivering milk, we knew we would be friends. A nice man, we began talking about our vendors. He saw we had some bowls and inquired as to whether or not we would like to sell his. In fact his exact words were “my bowls are better”. My favorite thing Bill says is that he does not make sets of bowls, he can make you four bowls or however many you need, but they are all unique!
Well, needless to say, we said yes and Bill was in! His bowls and vases are exquisite and perfect every time. Another fun thing about Bill is he is always willing to make something new. As most of you know, we sell Michigan honey. Until Bill, we had zero luck finding Michigan made honey dippers. We asked Bill if he could make us some. He said he would give it a try. The next day, Bill and his wife showed up at the store with close to a dozen dippers, all unique and all beautiful!
From his custom tops to dippers to bowls or even honey jar lids and vases, Bills work is not only beautiful but functional and best of all, hand made right here in the mitten!
Stop in and see the wonderful options he has to offer, or custom order your bowls! The price is right and the quality is certainly right as well!
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